Viral Video Shows Little Boy Running Away From Small Dog in Fear, Amused Netizens Poke Fun at Child'

May 2024 · 3 minute read

It is often said that a dog is a man's best friend. However, one unhappy fellow would beg to differ.

A video posted on TikTok shows door cam footage of a young boy running for his life as a small dog chases after him.

The terrified boy can be heard screaming at the top of his lungs as he tries to evade the canine threat, although the little pup appears more playful than anything.

Watch the video below:

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Why do dogs chase people?

According to Marathon Handbook, when dogs are not fenced in or tethered to their owner by a leash, they can chase after you out of excitement and hopeful anticipation of accompanying you or, worse, out of aggression and defence, perceiving you as a threat.

Judging by the dog's non-violent behaviour, it is easy to assume that the boy may have a fear of dogs known as Cynophobia.

According to Cleveland Clinic, Cynophobia is the overwhelming fear of dogs. People with this anxiety disorder feel intense fear and anxiety when they think about, see or encounter a dog. Exposure to cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) can help people manage cynophobia.

Social media users react to boy's trauma

Regardless of whether the dog was excited or aggressive, the poor boy did not have a pleasant experience with the furry pet at all. Social media users couldn't help poking fun at the video as they shared a guilty giggle in the comments.

Estevan said:

"Bro, I was expecting a big dog or something, but bruh hahaha."

emily wrote:

"What did the dog do ."

mirandz commented:

"That's so me ."

socratestheman replied:

"Someone control that wild animal. I don't want the dog to get hurt."

Sound Healing for Sleep wrote:

"I feel bad for laughing, but omg the dog's little outfit and how innocent he seemed.. also, I get a sneaky suspicion the boy got bit or something."

John Atkins reacted:


dani dani reacted:

"The dog was the victim here."

Pit Bull Attacks Jogger After Breaking Loose From Owner

In more dogg news, Briefly News reported that a pit bull was agitated while on a walk with its owner. Things escalated when a jogger passed by the dog, which sent it reeling.

People were angry at the owner of the pet, who did very little to stop the attack. Many people were convinced that the woman had no idea how to control her dog.

A video on TikTok got to 4.2 million views, with people in awe of how a man avoided a pit bull bite. The clip shows that he was joking when an owner failed to control her pit bull when it got loose and attacked.
