SASSA application 2022: R350 grant, application channels, process, forms, status

May 2024 · 6 minute read

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) is an initiative of the South African government through its Ministry of Social Development. The program's objective is to provide an R350 grant to millions of South Africans who meet the requirement for the monthly stipend. While the South African government stopped the first phase of the grant in April 2021, the SASSA application period was extended to 2023.

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The South African government's R350 grant was a measure put in place to fast-track economic recovery. Specifically, it aims to provide relief funds for the less privileged in society.

The 2022 SASSA application and R350 grant

The 6-month Social Relief of Distress Grant (SRD) of R350 is given to individuals who are currently unemployed and do not receive any form of income, social grant, or UIF payment.

Eligibility criteria

Here is a look at the basic eligibility criteria for those looking to apply for the SRD grant.

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Common issues plaguing SRD grant recipients

The SRD grant is meant to provide temporary assistance for persons in such a dire material need that they cannot meet their families' most basic needs. Here are some of the most common problems that plague SRD recipients.

The South African government started paying the R350 in May 2020 to relieve some unemployed South Africans of the financial difficulties that came with the pandemic. Over 10 million South Africans applied for the initial phase, which ended in April 2021.

The SASSA R350 grant application period was extended after most beneficiaries and those not as fortunate pleaded with the government to reopen the SASSA application for R350. As a result, the grant was extended by a year and will now expire in March 2023.

Can I reapply for the R350 grant?

Yes, you can. If you got the grant in the first funding phase, you could still apply for the second phase. You will be required to fill out new application forms and go through a series of application processes to benefit from the SASSA R350 grant extension.

Lindiwe Zulu, the minister for social development, stated that some of the previous beneficiaries might have taken up new employment opportunities. Since the initiative is majorly for the less privileged, such individuals in gainful employment would be ineligible to continue benefiting from the grant.

How do I apply for a SASSA R350 online application form?

Here are the different SASSA application options. Keep in mind that SASSA is not taking new applications for the SRD grant at this time. SASSA will publish the date on which this website will be opened for new applications and reapplications.

Via WhatsApp

To apply through WhatsApp, follow the steps below


To apply through the USSD short code, dial *134*7737# on your phone and follow the prompt.

Via your nearest SASSA office

The SASSA application forms for 2022 can be obtained from the SASSA office near you. Make your application by following the steps below.

Can I apply for SASSA grant online?

No, there is no SASSA online application form for now, but you can get it at your nearest SASSA office.

How long does it take to have your application processed?

Your application will be processed immediately you submit it. It will then be assessed to determine a genuine need for service and applicant credibility. Still, you will still get your voucher, cash, or food parcel for the first month, even if your application did not have all the requisite documents.

SASSA status check

After applying for the grant, how do you know if your application has been approved? The SASSA R350 grant application status check is quite straightforward.

The R350 monthly stipend will be sent through the bank details provided by approved beneficiaries. Besides, beneficiaries without a bank account can receive their relief funds through the Bank mobile transfers, South African Post Bank, or Post Office.

SASSA contacts

Here are the different channels through which one can reach SASSA for inquiries, complaints, or anything else.

Filling out the SASSA application form is the first step for needy South Africans to get financial assistance from the government through the Social Relief of Distress Grant. The R350 goes a long way in cushioning recipients from the effects of harsh economic times.

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