Is Matteo van der Grijns Hot Dutch Mystery Man Doomed for Ted and Rebecca?

May 2024 · 3 minute read

In this week’s all-new episode of Ted Lasso on Apple TV+, the “Rebecca Prophecy” continues. Rebecca Welton (Hannah Waddingham) was struggling to accept the fact that another unusual prediction made by psychic Tish (Emma Davies) had come true when we last saw her.

As she clutched the green matchbook Sam (Toheeb Jimoh) had given her, she overheard her ex’s new fiancée call him her “shite in knining armor.” The majority of the prediction, however, appears to have come true in the sixth episode of season three of Ted Lasso, titled “Sunflowers.” Rebecca is saved by a mysterious Dutchman (Matteo van der Grijn) and finds herself floating face down in the water.

Is Rebecca’s night spent in the houseboat of a mysterious man significant to the unfolding “Rebecca Prophecy” by Ted Lasso? Does Rebecca’s chemistry with the single Dutch daddy imply that she and Ted (Jason Sudeikis) are doomed to spend their lives apart? Who exactly is this Matteo van der Grijn guy, anyway? Who is the man who made Rebecca his queen, cooked for her, and massaged her feet?

Find out how Rebecca’s romantic life was turned upside down on Ted Lasso Season 3 Episode 6 “Sunflowers” by reading this recap!

Find out who Matteo van der Grijn is. Who is the mysterious Dutch man in Ted Lasso: Season 3 Episode 6 “Sunflowers” who falls in love with Rebecca?

The Dutch hunk who takes a drenched Rebecca to his houseboat in an attempt to win her heart is played by Matteo van der Grijn, but we never find out his name. The Dutch productions in which the 42-year-old actor has appeared include Levenslied, Tiramisu, and De troon. On the other hand, you might recognize him as Merk from the Tribes of Europa series on Netflix.

Instagram users can follow van der Grijn (@matteovdgrijn) for project promotion, family images, and AFC Ajax football club support. Matteo van der Grijn is, without a doubt, a dedicated soccer lover.

Check out more details we have covered relating to Ted Lasso:

According to the Prophecy, Will Rebecca Find Her True Love (Matteo van der Grijn) on Ted Lasso Season 3?

After the green matchbook and “shite in knining armor” episodes, Rebecca is warned by Tish, the psychic, that there will be thunder and lightning, and that she will end up upside down and soaking but safe. A family is then promised to Rebecca.

We haven’t seen any actual lightning yet, but Rebecca may have experienced metaphorical lightning when she met her mysterious new love in Amsterdam. It wasn’t a stretch to say that she ended up soaked and inverted. And he did everything in his power to make her feel secure.

Rebecca is also surprised by how warm and inviting the evening with this man is. Everything from the hot lunch he cooks to the foot massage he gives is s*xy. She wears a dress that belonged to his ex-wife, only to find out that he bought it.

Rebecca and this guy have such a nice time together that she decides to extend her stay on the houseboat by washing her clothes in the sink after they’ve been washed. It appears that they did not engage in s*xual activity, but they did kἰss and apparently…fall in love?

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