Good Samaritan Gives Food To The Needy And One Man Takes Everything

May 2024 · 2 minute read

A good samaritan created a stall where citizens could donate food for the needy, but one man pulled up and took everything. In a vital TikTok post, people can be seen coming up to collect items gratefully.

A man in a wheelchair collects two loaves and bread and thanks the do-gooder.

The viral TikTok goes south when the last man shows up

While everyone else only took what was enough for them, leaving some for others, one man had a different idea.

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"What is this?" he asked as he looked out at the food. "It's free?"

You can watch the video below:

Netizens thought the man's actions were indicative of greed

@Ishtara13 said:

"They were probably the only people not in need. The people in need only took what they absolutely needed."

@Victoria added:

"Those in need will ALWAYS leave something for others. We know..."

@Ericka Mae Ramirez said:

"You know instantly that its greed. Even when you are in need you will not take that much bc you will think of others "

user1274733078869 commented:

"the poor old man in the red mobility scooter had to watch them do that after he took his fair share and left some for others"

@Kat Crittenden said:

"Notice how the people that truly truly needed it were the kind and courteous ones who took way less than they truly needed"

@Amanda S warned:

"He may not feel it today but karma will get to those who lost integrity and giving back to those that need"

@Dr. Tori Knox said:

"He didn’t have to take everything… that was greedy. 7 kids or not. "

@Ashleigh1620 said:

"absolutely just greed. just because it's free doesn't mean you can take it all"

Johannesburg woman shares story and pictures helping hungry child

In other good samaritan actions gone wrong news, Briefly News reported on a Johannesburg woman from Rustenburg who shared a story on how she helped a hungry child. Netizens believe she was after clout more than anything.

@PruZwo said:

"Things you people do for clout. I am disgusted. Taking a picture of a hungry child. Sies"
