Mike Montalbano Obituary Who Was Mike Montalbano? How Did Mike Montalbano Die?

May 2024 · 4 minute read

The academic world is in bereavement over the sudden loss of Mike Montalbano, a revered management professor at the University whose influence extended far beyond the lecture halls. His unexpected death has left students and colleagues at the University grappling with the void left by a beloved educator and esteemed member of the academic fraternity.

Who Was Mike Montalbano?

Professor Mike Montalbano was a luminary in the field of management who dedicated his knowledge and passion to the University since 2015. Montalbano was revered for both his academic abilities and mentorship of his students, shaping their minds and futures through attending his classes. His sudden demise has served as a poignant reminder that life can change quickly while great teachers leave indelible marks in our memories.

What Happened to Mike Montalbano?

News of Professor Montalbano’s sudden and tragic passing sent shock waves through the University community. Martijn Cremers, dean of Mendoza College of Business sent out an email that delivered this somber news to all business students at Mendoza College of Business. Montalbano’s death has prompted an outpouring of grief and remembrance within the institution, signifying the high regard in which he was held.

How Did Mike Montalbano Die?

The details regarding Professor Montalbano’s cause of death have not been made public, as the University community focuses on honoring his life and legacy. The sudden nature of his passing has underscored the importance of community support and collective mourning during such unforeseen losses.

The Community’s Tribute to a Beloved Professor

In honor of Professor Montalbano, the College hosted a walk to the Grotto followed by a prayer service, where faculty chaplain Fr. Frank Murphy led the University in remembering and celebrating the life of the departed soul. The service underscored the bonds that Montalbano forged with his colleagues, students, and the community that will not “unravel with death,” as Fr. Murphy poignantly stated.

The Legacy Left Behind

Montalbano will always be remembered for his passion and contributions to Notre Dame students’ educational experience. His devotion to his family, students, and field has served as an example to all educators worldwide.

Remembering the Educator and the Man

Montalbano was not only a highly esteemed professor but he was also deeply beloved family man, leaving behind his wife Sue and children Thomas and Annabelle as well as grandchildren who will miss him greatly. Thomas spoke at his memorial service and described a man who greatly valued both roles of educator and family man; those who knew him will miss him greatly.

Moving Forward in Remembrance

In commemorating Professor Montalbano’s memory, the University is holding his funeral at Basilica of the Sacred Heart to allow students, faculty, and staff to pay their last respects. This event serves as an opportunity for reflection upon life itself and how one individual’s influence reaches far into society.

In conclusion, the life of Professor Mike Montalbano is a story woven into the fabric of the University. His unexpected passing is a solemn reminder of the fleeting nature of life. Yet, in this moment of loss, the University community has found strength in unity, remembering the legacy of a man whose life was an embodiment of service, education, and family. As the University moves forward, it carries the essence of his teachings, the memory of his guidance, and the inspiration of his dedication to the betterment of the educational world.


  • Who was Mike Montalbano?
    • Mike Montalbano was a respected management professor at the University, teaching there since 2015.
  • How did the University community respond to Mike Montalbano’s death?
    • The University held a walk, prayer service, and will host his funeral at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart.
  • What was Mike Montalbano known for at the University?
    • He was known for his passion for teaching and making a positive impact on Notre Dame’s students.
  • Who survives Mike Montalbano?
    • He is survived by his wife Sue, his children, and grandchildren.
  • When and where will Mike Montalbano’s funeral service be held?
    • His funeral service will be held at 2:30 p.m., Monday, at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart.
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