Michael Jackson Made a Terrible Mistake of Dangling his Youngest Son Over Balcony, Yet He is All Gro

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Michael Jackson faced public backlash after dangling his nine-month-old son, Prince Michael II, over a hotel balcony in Berlin.

The incident, aimed at connecting with fans below, drew cheers but also raised concerns for the child’s safety.

Jackson, in Berlin to receive a lifetime Bambi entertainment award, faced swift condemnation from the media and child abuse experts for potential endangerment.

While accepting an award for philanthropic work, Jackson’s controversial act of holding his baby over the metal balcony railing triggered widespread criticism. British tabloids labeled him a “Mad Bad Dad,” and Swedish media accused him of playing with the baby’s life.

The incident prompted calls for Berlin police intervention and sparked editorial condemnation.

Jackson’s Apology and Acknowledging a “Terrible Mistake”

Responding to the public outcry, Michael Jackson issued a statement through his lawyer, acknowledging the incident as a “terrible mistake.” He offered no excuses and emphasized getting caught up in the excitement of the moment.

Jackson asserted that he would never intentionally endanger his children, expressing regret for the lapse in judgment.

Child abuse experts criticized Jackson’s behavior, considering his role in starting a charity to protect children. Prevent Child Abuse America’s Kevin Kirkpatrick deemed it alarmingly irresponsible, emphasizing the need for accountability.

Alliance for Children’s Rights’ Janis Spire recommended reporting such incidents while emphasizing the apparent carelessness of Jackson’s actions.

Despite public outrage, Berlin prosecutors stated they were not investigating the incident, highlighting the potential for an inquiry if a formal complaint were filed.

Stateside child welfare agencies clarified their lack of jurisdiction but urged the public to report concerns. Legal experts emphasized the importance of assessing incidents case by case and respecting legal jurisdictions.

Despite maintaining a low profile compared to his older siblings, Bigi Jackson, whom Michael Jackson named Blanket, occasionally appears on TV and social media.

In a notable instance on Good Morning Britain in October 2021, he discussed the Thriller Night Halloween Party hosted by his brother Prince at the Jackson family’s Los Angeles estate, Hayvenhurst.

During the interview, Bigi emphasized the historical significance of the estate and used the platform to advocate for climate change awareness, urging world leaders at the COP26 summit to take action.

The balcony incident occurred during a break from Jackson’s breach-of-contract trial, where he faced a $21 million lawsuit for allegedly failing to perform in two millennium concerts.

The trial had its own share of controversies, including Jackson’s tardiness and objections to a photographer.

Michael Jackson’s balcony incident underscored the delicate balance celebrities navigate between public image and personal choices. While the public expressed outrage and experts condemned the act, Jackson’s apology acknowledged the gravity of the situation.

The controversy surrounding Prince Michael II added another layer of mystery to Jackson’s already complex life, unfolding against the backdrop of ongoing legal proceedings.
