33-Year-Old Woman Who Posed as a 13-Year-Old Child

May 2024 · 9 minute read

The bizarre case of Barbora Skrlova captured international headlines for the 33-year-old woman’s unbelievable ability to pose convincingly as a child.

Barbora Skrlova suffered from a rare condition called hypopituitarism that made her appear far younger than her true age.

Taking advantage of her youthful looks, Barbora Skrlová posed as a 13-year-old girl and boy to get adopted by unsuspecting families in the Czech Republic and Norway.

Each time, she managed to fool teachers, social workers, and even the police before eventually getting exposed.

Skrlova’s shocking story of manipulation still perplexes people today. To learn all the unbelievable details, keep reading about the strange case of Barbora Skrlova.

Early Life of Barbora Skrlova

Very little is known about Barbora Skrlova’s early life as no official documents have been made public regarding her childhood since her case gained widespread attention. However, some key details have emerged:

Medical Condition of Barbora Skrlova

Mental Health Issues of Barbora Skrlova


Barbora Skrlová Escape from Mental Institution

Despite being committed to a mental institution by her parents, Barbora managed to escape from the facility at some point.

Unknown Escape Method

Launch Point for Manipulation

No Official Records

The strange circumstances around Skrlova’s escape created the opportunity for her to go on to fool countless people. Her ability to flee custody speaks to her determination and resourcefulness in crafting elaborate ruses.

First Victims – Two Sisters Klara Mauerova & Katerina Mauerova and Klara’s Children (Ondrej and Jakub) in the Czech Republic

After escaping from the mental institution, Barbora Skrlova’s first known victims were Klara Mauerova and her two young children, Ondrej (8 years old) and Jakub (10 years old).

Klara’s Background

Arrival of Katerina

Meeting Barbora Skrlova

Gaining Trust

Manipulation and Abuse

Discovery and Arrest

Skrlova’s exploitation of the sisters and prolonged torture of innocent children was extremely disturbing. Her manipulation skills allowed her to evade justice once again and fled the Czech Republic.

Life of Barbora Skrlova in Norway as a 13-year-old boy named Adam

After fleeing authorities in the Czech Republic, Barbora Skrlova turned up in Norway posing as a young boy named Adam.

New Identity of Barbora Skrlova

Placement in Children’s Home

Adoption by Norwegian Family

Living a Lie

Exposure and Arrest of Barbora Skrlova

Once again, Skrlova constructed an elaborate fictional identity that allowed her to hide in plain sight. Her ruse bought her months of freedom before she was finally caught.

Where is Barbora Skrlova Now?

After her sensational story made international headlines, what became of Barbora Skrlova?

Trial and Sentencing of Barbora Skrlova

Release from Prison

Avoiding the Spotlight

Current Whereabouts of Barbora Skrlova

So while Skrlova is free today, exactly where she is and how she is living is unclear. For the victims of her past manipulation, her disappearance from the public eye may be somewhat reassuring.


The shocking case of Barbora Skrlova reveals how easily predators can exploit families and systems meant to protect children.

By pretending to be a child herself, she inflicted severe abuse and trauma that her victims still suffer from today.

Skrlova skillfully manipulated people’s kind instincts to avoid justice time and again. Her story highlights the need for greater vigilance when dealing with children with questionable pasts.

Please consider sharing this article to bring awareness to this disturbing case of manipulation and abuse. The victims deserve to have their stories heard.

Read More Crime Stories:


1. What is the story of Barbora Skrlova?

The story of Barbora involves her pretending to be a young child in order to get adopted by families, before eventually being exposed as an adult woman.

2. How did she pretend to be a 13-year-old girl? 

Skrlova was able to pretend to be a 13-year-old girl by taking advantage of a medical condition she had that made her appear much younger than her actual age. She bound her breasts tightly and shaved her head to further disguise her adult features.

3. Was Skrlova successful in fooling people?

Yes, Barbora Škrlová was very successful in fooling people like teachers, social workers, police officers, and the families that adopted her. She managed to convince them she was a child for months on end.

4. What happened when Skrlova was caught?

When Skrlova was finally caught, she was arrested, sentenced to prison, but then released early from her sentence due to mental health reasons after serving just a fraction of her time. 

5. Who is Klara Mauerova?

Klara Mauerová is a woman that Skrlova manipulated into severely abusing her own two children.

6. How did Barbora Skrlova meet Klara and Katerina?

Katerina and Klara met Barbora Skrlová while attending university. She pretended to be 12-year-old girl named Anika who needed a home, gaining their trust. 

7. What happened to Skrlova after she was sentenced?

After Skrlova was sentenced to five years in prison, she was released early after serving only about 2.5 years of her sentence.

8. What is the Oslo Children’s Home?

The Oslo Children’s Home was a home for homeless children where Skrlova lived while posing as a young boy named Adam.

9. What is the Brno Children’s Home?

The Brno Children’s Home was where Skrlova pretended to be a girl named Anicka after escaping from Klara’s home.

10. How did the Czech authorities handle the situation?

Initially, the Czech authorities sought Skrlova for questioning in child abuse cases but she managed to flee each time before being detained.
